AMSR users who wish to consult the NRS and related reports should apply to PAMCo at this address:

Access to the NRS documents will be provided to AMSR users on the following conditions, which have been agreed between PAMCo and AMSR:

  1. Provided the AMSR user has first accepted the Terms and Conditions, the AMSR user shall contact PAMCO to arrange a mutually convenient time for the AMSR user to attend PAMCO’s offices and have access to the NRS Documents.
  2. Access shall only be granted during normal working hours of 9am to 5pm (Monday to Friday).
  3. No NRS Documents will be allowed to be taken by the AMSR user from the premises. Photocopies of individual pages may be made only with the permission of PAMCo for which an appropriate charge may be made.
  4. For the avoidance of doubt, PAMCO has the right to refuse access to PAMCO’s premises and/ or the NRS Documents to any AMSR user should PAMCO so determine in its sole discretion.