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The AMSR Newsletter
AMSR Case Studies
The Archive in Action
The Dulux sheep dog is still with us, thanks to 60-year-old market research
In the late fifties ICI was Britain’s only truly global conglomerate and in its Paints Division there was already a free-standing market research...
General election: lessons from the last 50+ years
With a general election likely to take place in 2024 it is worth looking back at lessons to be learned from the past. The value of the Archive of...
COP28 and an update on British attitudes to the environment
An October 2020 poll by YouGov found that 67% of the British public wanted Britain to be a world leader on environmental issues. In February 2021,...
A picture of Britain in the 1950s
Geoff Wicken acquired a vintage readership survey report for AMSR. It has much to tell us about a very different time… For anyone researching...
Sunshine breaks pile on the stress
A recent (August 2023) survey for the Office of National Statistics among 2,000 UK adults found that overall 34% had travelled abroad in the...
AMSR Summer event 13th June 2023
Archives exist to keep things safe – but not secret On a hot summer evening we gathered on the stylish top floor of King’s College in Bush House by...