About the AMSR

What is the AMSR?

The Archive of Market and Social Research is both a history of UK market research and UK history through market research. Its aim is to liberate the rich data and commentary generated since the 1950s by the market and social research industry in the UK, making it available to be harnessed and applied for future social and commercial progress.


History of market research

For the first time a comprehensive collection of historic research materials has been drawn together and held in one place. It demonstrates how the industry in the UK developed and the role played by significant individuals, organisations and companies. The development of techniques is to be catalogued and made available for reference and study.


History through market research

Since WWII the UK has been one of the leading countries in the development and use of qualitative and quantitative survey research to measure people’s behaviour and attitudes. Such research has now become a major part of everyday life, affecting all activities including our food, drink, lifestyles, media, finance, travel, and social attitudes.  The archive provides access to major studies detailing UK social history.

The AMSR continues to collect as much material as possible relating to its areas of interest, professionally housing and curating it for the benefit of the research community and wider audiences.


What is in the archive?

The archive contains significant studies, technical developments, survey results and biographical details and key documents, including published papers, journals, books and newsletters covering the fields of UK market and social research over the last 70 years.

You will also find:

  • Longitudinal surveys covering commercial, social and attitudinal topics
  • Case studies showing how research has been used to effect commercial and social change
  • Published thinking on research techniques and their uses available from a single source
  • A long run of polling statistics
  • Historical documents charting the story of the market and social research industries

These will be of interest to:

  • Research companies and research practitioners
  • Creative and media agencies and marketing consultancies
  • Academics and students
  • Anyone interested in UK social history



How does the archive work?

For some years AMSR has been setting up the archive and accumulating material. We are now able to make the materials available through a fully searchable database and will continue to expand and augment the archive for the benefit of interested parties, now and in the future.


Prof. Paddy Barwise , AMSR Chair, talks about who he hopes will use the Archive