May 3, 2023 | Stories
Recent reports have commented on how the monarchy’s popularity has fallen in recent years – to just 55%, according to one poll. A dip into the Archive of Market and Social Research shows what a shift this is. June 1969 saw the UK broadcast of Royal Family, a TV...
Mar 24, 2023 | Stories
As Warner Bros, one of the world’s leading film and entertainment companies, celebrates its 100th anniversary, it’s interesting to trace the story of cinema attendance in the UK over the same period. The number of ways in which one can watch a film has increased many...
Jan 11, 2023 | Stories
In the 1970s, price inflation was at least as big a political problem as it is today. Decimalisation of the currency was perceived to be a major influence. In the UK, although decimalisation of the currency and metrication of weights and measures had been under...
Nov 28, 2022 | Stories
Kantar recently published TGI figures reporting that 65% of GB adults have played either Lotto, Euromillions or scratchcards in the last 12 months – up from 55% in 2019. Perhaps the pandemic contributed to this, with a dabble on the lottery a welcome distraction from...
Oct 7, 2022 | Stories
As winter approaches, with fuel bills and inflationary pressures endangering the lives of the old and poor, the UK government should rightly be concerned to provide relevant advice and help. However, governments have not always been certain about how to do this. Back...
Jul 11, 2022 | Stories
Alternative funding methods for the BBC have been discussed for years. Back in the 1980s, many viewers considered advertising an acceptable option. A collection of papers from the BBC, recently added to the Archive of Market and Social Research, suggests that over 30...