The Archive of Market and Social Research (AMSR) is collecting a record of research on behaviours, attitudes and lives over the decades and how they change, or remain the same. Several books and papers relating to women in the workplace are already part of its burgeoning collection.
On this subject, the AMSR archive includes:
‘The Structure of Entrapment: Dilemmas standing in the way of women managers and strategies to resolve these’
A paper by Charles Hampden-Turner in The Deeper News, A Global Business Network Publication, published in January 1994. The article compares the values of American managers with those from other countries and cultures.
Women: Setting new priorities
A survey conducted by MORI in January 1996. This was the starting point of a Whirlpool Foundation Study of Western European Women’s Views on Work, Family and Society. Among the trends that emerged in the mid-1990s were: ‘women are the new providers’; ‘women prefer to work outside the home’; ‘women desire greater flexibility at work’; ‘women’s values are personal rather than political’; ‘women see their environment as unpredictable’.
This is currently relevant and important because according to Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, ‘Automation will disproportionately impact women’s jobs”. The recently-published IMF Blog on Women, technology and the future of work, also suggests that the trend towards greater automation will be especially challenging for women. It estimates that women’s jobs have a 70% or higher probability of automation, which translates globally to 180 million of them.
Visit the AMSR website (www.amsr.org.uk) for more information about these studies and its growing catalogue. It is a living Archive providing access to rich and searchable trend data and commentary, and is an inspiring source of insight for those seeking to explore the dynamics of change, setting the past against the present and the future.