The ‘Boomer’ generation are often claimed to be the nation’s heaviest wine drinkers. Analysis of TGI trend data shows this is only partially true.
Behaviour in the wine category illustrates the cohort effect. Let’s divide the population aged 20+ into 15-year bands, and categorise Boomers as those aged 50-64 today, therefore, the 20-34 year-olds of 1989. Back then, 3% of adults reported drinking five or more bottles of wine per month. Boomers (highlighted) were above-average at 4%, but 5% of 35-49 year-olds were consuming five bottles per month, making them the heaviest wine drinkers.
Winding forward 30 years to 2019, we see three times as many adults (9% compared to 3%) reporting consumption of five or more bottles of wine per month. The cohort effect is clearly visible: Boomers’ consumption at this level has also roughly trebled, from 4% to 11%, but the heaviest drinkers are still the prior generation, now the 65+ group, at 12%.
We can also see that – unlike Boomers in 1989 – the 20-34 year-olds of today are much lighter consumers of wine than average. The market for wine has developed considerably over the last 30 years, driven by the Boomer generation and their elders, but younger adults may be more alert to messages about consuming in moderation.
TGI (Target Group Index) is a continuous survey which has been carried out in Great Britain since 1969, based on 25,000 adults per annum, who provide information on their use of all major products, brands and services. Media exposure, attitudinal and demographic data are also included. Kantar, who own and operate the TGI (Target Group Index), are making major donations of data to AMSR.
To explore the TGI archive within AMSR, click here. (This link to the archive contents will open as a separate page)
Contributed by Geoff Wicken